Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Poetry and Poetics Resources

Short and incomplete list of poetry anthologies and collections of essays on poetics and new media that may be of interest to Communication students.

Allen and Butterick, Eds. (1982). The Postmoderns. [anthology of mid and late 20th century North American poetry]

Amato, Joe (1997). Bookend. [part poetry, part essay on poetry, printing, publishing, new media]

Antin, David (1984). what it means to be avant-garde. [collection of “talk poems,” poetics]

Bernstein, Charles (1986). Content’s Dream. [essays on poetry, poetics, and performance]

Bierhorst, John, Ed. (1984). The Sacred Path: Spells, Prayers and Power Songs of the American Indians. [in English translation]

Codrescu, Andrei, Ed. (1987). Up Late: American Poetry Since 1970. [anthology of American poetry from the last decades of the 20th century]

Hejinian, Lyn (2000). The Language of Inquiry. [essays on poetry and poetic realism in the Russian Formalist tradition]

Hofer, Jen, Ed. (2003). Sin puertas visibles: An Anthology of Contemporary Poetry by Mexican Women. [one of the first collections featuring Mexican women poets translated in English]

Hoover, Paul, Ed. (1994). Postmodern American Poetry. [anthology of mid and late 20th century avant-garde poetry]

Manovich, Lev (2001). The Language of New Media. [history and theory of new media]

Messerli, Douglas, Ed. (1994). From the Other Side of the Century: A New American Poetry 1960-1990. [comprehensive anthology of North American Poetry in the last half of the 20th century]

O’Sullivan, Maggie, Ed. (1996). out of everywhere: linguistically innovative poetry by women in North American and the U.K. [introduction to experimental / innovative poetic forms]

Polkinhorn and Weiss, Eds. (2002). Across the Line / Al Otro Lado: The Poetry of Baja California. [new anthology of poetry by Baja California writers]

Rich, Adrien (1986). Blood, Bread, and Poetry. [selected essays on poetry, politics, and gender representation in academia]

Rothenberg and Joris, Eds. (1995, 1998). Poems for the Millennium, Vol. 1 and Vol. 2 [comprehensive anthology of 19th and 20th century poetry from around the world, with useful commentaries]

Rothenberg, Jerome, Ed. (1968). Technicians of the Sacred: A Range of Poetries from Africa, America, Asia, and Oceania. [much celebrated collection (and history) of poetries, songs, drawings from around the world]

Silliman, Ron (1977). The New Sentence [poetics and political economy]


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