Saturday, February 12, 2005

News Transcripts

[metaphor + interpellation]

Copyright 2005 Cable News Network
All Rights Reserved.
January 21, 2005 Friday
SECTION: NEWS; International
LENGTH: 3461 words
HEADLINE: President Bush's Inaugural Speech and Protests Against His Inauguration; Terror Threat Focused on City of Boston
BYLINE: Carol Costello, Chad Myers, Kathleen Koch, Deborah Feyerick, Shannon Perrine
GUESTS: 1st Lt. Christopher Cunningham


CAROL COSTELLO, CNN ANCHOR: Straight ahead, holy day blast in Baghdad. A car bomb kills worshipers celebrating one of Islam's most important holidays. Plus, Bush's big push. The president gears up for his controversial plan to overhaul Social Security....

It is Friday, January 21.You are watching DAYBREAK. And good morning to you. From the Time Warner Center in New York, I'm Carol Costello, along with Chad Myers.

Now in the news, .... [...]

And just in case you missed getting a look at the inaugural festivities, we have Kathleen Koch to wrap up some of the pomp and circumstance for you.

KATHLEEN KOCH, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): The Capitol basked in a golden glow, as did those gathered for a second time to see George W. Bush sworn in as president.


KOCH: Chief Justice William Rehnquist, in his first public appearance since cancer surgery, administered the oath of office.


KOCH: Also on hand, the president's parents, Presidents Bill Clinton and Jimmy Carter, Bush family members, friends and political foes.

In his inaugural speech, Mr. Bush used the word freedom 27 times when laying out his vision of America's mission.

BUSH: The survival of liberty in our land increasingly depends on the success of liberty in other lands.

KOCH: Iraq and Afghanistan were never mentioned, but President Bush made clear his commitment to their future.

BUSH: Our country has accepted obligations that are difficult to fulfill and would be dishonorable to abandon.

KOCH: The president pledged to heal the divisions between the political parties. He made only passing reference to second term priorities like Social Security reform.

Security was unprecedented on this, the first inaugural since 9/11. Mr. Bush described the attacks' formative impact on his presidency.

BUSH: My most solemn duty is to protect this nation and its people from further attacks and emerging threats. Some have unwisely chosen to test America's resolve and have found it firm.

KOCH: A handful of protesters trying to disrupt the speech managed to get within earshot. Still, the president appeared to clearly enjoy his second inaugural.

Inside, he reflected on the occasion.

BUSH: It reminds us that we serve a cause larger than ourself. We have one country, one constitution and one future that binds us.

KOCH: Then it was off for the traditional parade. There were protesters, but they were outnumbered by supporters. The president and the first lady even briefly left their limousine to walk down Pennsylvania Avenue near the White House.

COSTELLO: Kathleen Koch reporting. [...]

* * *

Copyright 2005 Fox News Network, LLC.
Fox News Network
January 21, 2005 Friday
TRANSCRIPT: 012103cb.253
LENGTH: 2857 words
HEADLINE: Panel Discusses Protests During Inauguration Day
BYLINE: Sean Hannity; Alan Colmes
GUESTS: Shahid Buttar, Rich Lowry

HANNITY: As we continue on "Hannity & Colmes," I'm Sean Hannity.

Now also coming up tonight, this weekend is the anniversary of Roe v. Wade. Now you're going to hear from Dr. Martin Luther King's niece about why she is pushing to overturn the decision.

But first, yesterday's presidential inauguration brought along both cheers and jeers. Protesters packed the protest site along Pennsylvania Avenue to greet President Bush with boos, signs proclaiming the worst president ever.

Police say at least 10 people were arrested during the ceremonies. They even threw a snowball at the vice president's car. But were they effective?

Joining us now from Washington is one of the organizers of yesterday's protest, from the Guerrilla Poetry Insurgency, Shahid Buttar. And also joining us, the editor of National Review, is FOX News contributor Rich Lowry is with us.

All right, Shahid, let me ask you a question. You know, when you yell "racist," "sexist," "anti-gay," "Bush and Cheney go away." Explain to the audience, besides making yourselves look silly, what does that do?

SHAHID BUTTAR, GUERRILLA POETRY INSURGENCY: Well, you may pick a better example. So, for instance, the chant I tend to prefer is "Health care not warfare."

HANNITY: Yes, but, "He's not my president"?

BUTTAR: Or "education not occupation," ideas that actually get means across and thoughts across. We try to educate people.

HANNITY: Yes. But the ones I heard the most, "He's not my presi-dent," "racist," "sexist," "anti-gay," et cetera. I mean, it's sort of the same thing. But I mean, it goes on, and the chanting goes on and on for hours. I'm asking, what impact do you think you're having by doing that?

BUTTAR: Well, let's break it down. There are several constituencies upon which an action might have an impact. And two that I think are often ignored would be the future historical record...


BUTTAR: ... laying a foundation for what America actually thought about the swing in current events today and this president's agenda. And then secondly, the international community, and really demonstrating to peoples abroad that Americans as a people can remain good in spite of whatever acts our administration...


HANNITY: Hey, listen, I think it shows the world that we'll allow anybody to speak no matter how silly they look.

BUTTAR: And that's one thing in which we can all find common ground, I think.

HANNITY: What is the Guerrilla Protest -- oh, I'm sorry, Poetry Insurgency?

BUTTAR: Poetry Insurgency. Yes, we're hip-hop M.C.'s and spoken-word artists and drummers. And we convey our ideas in music. We're musicians committed to peace and justice, and we express that con-viction musically.

HANNITY: And what about the D.C. Anarchist Resistance? And there was some people that got into trouble. There was some people that had to be pepper sprayed.

BUTTAR: There were also a lot of people who didn't need to be pepper sprayed who were.

HANNITY: Well, in your view.

But they wanted to, and they said before this whole thing started, they said, "There's nothing left to salvage in this empire that is the U.S. government. It's time to bring the government down. This January 20th, let's bring anarchy to the streets of D.C. Make resistance visible." Do you support the call for violence like that?

BUTTAR: Well, let me just aggregate that. First, I don't think there is a call for violence in that statement, but even if there were, I would not support it. I do work as an organizer with people with a variety of tactics and convictions.

HANNITY: Let me just correct one thing. This is important. They say, "There's nothing left to salvage in the empire that is the U.S. govern-ment. It's time to bring it down. Bring anarchy to the streets of D.C."

BUTTAR: You may be mischaracterizing...

HANNITY: That is a call for violence. And if you want to be a peaceful protester -- no, it really is.

BUTTAR: It's not. Anarchy doesn't mean violence.

HANNITY: To bring it down means by force.

BUTTAR: Anarchy means a lack of central control. And I think the idea behind the anarchist vision of the world -- and I'll just put out there at the outset it's not one I share -- but the vision is that people will have come to a point culturally that we can regulate ourselves, that people won't abuse each other the way we have historically.

COLMES: Shahid, it's Alan. And Rich Lowry, welcome back to our program.


COLMES: Let me get you in here, Rich.

Protesters, people who oppose the Bush administration, and those who showed up in D.C. come in many different stripes. They don't all agree. The progressive movement is multifaceted. What's your issue with people protesting or speaking up or doing what happened in Washington yesterday?

LOWRY: Well, Alan, I don't have any problem with people speaking up as a general matter. I mean, that's what makes this country great. But the fact is, Alan, there was a lot of goonish behavior yesterday, where you had some protesters -- obviously, not all -- but some throwing rocks, hurling vulgarity and profanity at people who just showed up...

COLMES: Yes, those people were wrong. But by and large...

LOWRY: ... to attend the parade with their families. You had people, protesters deliberately trying to keep people from getting to the parade route so they could enjoy this great civic pageant. And I think an honorable liberal such as yourself, Alan, would deplore that kind of activity.

COLMES: I do deplore that. But here is the game that you play, very effectively. You do take the most extreme...

LOWRY: Well, thank you. At least I play my games effectively, Alan. That's a compliment. Thank you.


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